How To Use Yoga Blocks


Here are 3 different ways to use yoga blocks. There are so many different ways you can use blocks in your practice. They are incredibly useful in helping to build a strong foundation, and developing proper body alignment and healthy movement patterns.


1. #Warrior3Pose or #Virabhadrasana3 either starting from a standing forward fold position and lifting the leg up or lowering down with the blocks in your hands for support. This is a great way to help you balanced so you can focus on perfecting your alignment. You can use a block for many standing balancing poses.


2. #EasyPose or #Sukhasana
This is a game changer for a lot of my students. Whether you are meditating, centering or moving through the upper body, using a block will help you lift the hips up and support the low back. This will help relieve tension in the hips and allow you to sit up taller with more ease. It helps keep the back from rounding and brings it to a neutral position. You can use a block to help lift any part of your body off the mat.


3. #HalfSplitsPose or #ArdhaHanumanasana
With less flexible yogis, blocks are great tools to help keep you supported as you maintain alignment through the whole body. In this pose, it helps me to keep my hips square and back straight at the same time so I don't have to choose between one or the other. This allows me to get the most benefits from this posture.

I am using 4 inch foam yoga blocks in this tutorial. Mat, blocks and other props from @shophalfmoon
Top is from @lululemon

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